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1979-1986 Mustang
1979 marked the launch of the third-generation Mustang, based on a brand new platform. It also marked the departure of Lee Iacocca, the man responsible for the Mustang. Enthusiasm for the Mustang would slowly come back in the mid 80's, as the introducton of High Output 5.0L and Turbocharged SVO's slowly won back the power fanatics.
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1986 GT T-Top
302, Ported Edelbrock Heads, RPM Air Gap Intake (ported), Demon Carb, TFS Stage 2 Cam, Mac 1 5/8" Long Tubes, Pro-chamber, Catback, Sumped Tank, 3.73's, T-5, and lots more!!  
1/4 Mile:13.2 MPH:105.9 60ft:2.3 Weight:3400 CID:302  

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