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Engine Assembly, continued

42. Rod bearing halves are identical, so it makes no difference which one of the pair goes in the rod end or the cap end. Do make sure however the bearing tangs line up with the grooves in the rod. A little moly on the crank side is all that is needed.

43. The rod cap screws are torqued to 40 lb.ft. using moly lube on the threads.

44. Since we had a windage tray on the previous motor, we decided to see if it would fit with the stroker.

45. Turns out the scraper louvers needed a little hammering to clear the rod bolts.

46. Before closing up the bottom end, we installed a Melling high-volume oil pump. It' a good idea to disassemble a new pump, inspect it for burrs, and then coat the rotors with moly.

47. An ARP hardened oil pump shaft is installed for insurance (high volume pumps can put a lot of stress on the stock shaft.)

48. Finally the oil pump and pickup screen are bolted into place.

49. It's a good idea to always measure for adequate pickup-to-pan clearance. Measure the height of the pickup, and then measure the depth of the pan. Shoot for 3/8" to 1/2" clearance from the bottom of the pan.

50. Finally the rubber oil pan seals are fed into their respective grooves, front and rear.

51. The Fel Pro oil pan gasket is laid into place. Use a dab of RTV where the gasket tabs intersect the seal.

52. The oil pan is lowered and secured into place. We're now ready to finish up the top half.

53. Because we are using Crane link bar roller lifters, they need to be installed before the heads go on. Using the supplied lube the lifters are coated and installed - link bars must face the center of the motor.

A set of Fel Pro Perma Torque head gaskets are set on the deck Note the front water passages should be blocked by the head gasket.

55. We'll be reusing the World Jr. aluminum heads, ported by Total Engine Airflow, from our 302. They are bolted into place using 7/16" ARP head bolts. The heads feature 1.94"/1.60" valves, and flow 265cfm/225cfm at 0.500" lift, intake and exhaust respectively.

Build a 302 Stroker Series
Part I: Introduction and Prep.
Part II: Assembly
331 Stroker Track Results

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