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Final Assembly

181. Now reinsert the differential pinion shaft. Retain it from the other side so it does not fall thru.
182. We will now apply loctite to our differential pinion shaft lock bolt.

183. Insert the differential pinion shaft lock bolt back into the case and thru the pinion shaft. It may take a little rotating of the shaft to get it in.
Torque the pinion shaft lock bolt to 22 lb ft.
184. Positraction carriers require anti-friction additive for the clutches. Don't forget it.

185. Adding the anti-friction additive.
186. Addding gear oil.

187. We will now apply high temp silicone to the differential cover.
188. Place the cover on and evenly apply pressure.

189. Apply locktite to all cover bolts.
190. Insert bolts and finger tighten in a cross pattern

191. Torque the Differntial cover bolts to 22 lb Ft. in an across pattern
192. Reinstall the disks onto the axles and install the assembly clip for easier installation into the car.
Axle Reinstallation

193. Now with one person at each side of the axle we will lift it and move it back under the vehicle.
194. Reinstall and finger tighten the lower trailing arm bolts.

195. The lower trailing arm flag nuts are installed with the flag facing outward, toward the brake.
196. We will now tighten the lower trailing arm bolts until the flag nut is seated into place.

197. Now reinstall the rear coil springs, being sure that the factory tags or the markings you made earlier are located closest to the axle.
198. You'll need to control the rear coils as you jack the rear end into the vehicle enough to keep the rear coil springs in place.

199. While you are jacking the rear axle back into the vehicle be sure that the panhard rod is located in its mounting location.
200. Once the rear axle is lifted enough we'll reinstall the rear shocks, finger tighten the shock bolts to secure them the rear end in place.

201. The shock absorbers flag nuts can only be installed one way, with the flag facing inward toward the opposite side of the vehicle in the reserved slots.
202. We will now reattach the upper trailing arm, the trailing arm is under quite a bit of resistance, so you'll have to pull down on it as you install the bolt.

203. The flag on the bolt is located on the driver side of the vehicle. Do to the resistance of the upper trailing arm, you may need to guide the bolt in as you tap it in lightly with a hammer.
204. Once installed finger tighten the nut on to the upper trailing arm bolt.

205. Now we'll reinstall the panhard rod mounting bolt. While retaining the lower Panhard rod flag nut with one hand, the flag faces the front of the vehicle, we'll tighten the bolt while guiding the flag nut until the bottoms out enough that the flag nut won't catch the sides of the mounting location and bend as it is being pulled in.
206. Now we'll Torque the 18mm Panhard rod bolt to 129 lb ft.

207. Torque the 18mm lower trailing arm bolts to 129 lb ft.
208. Torque the 15mm lower shock absorber bolts to 85 lb ft.

209. Torque the 21mm upper trailing arm bolt to 129 lb ft.
210. Now place the drive shaft flange back into place, apply loctite to all of the flange bolts and finger tighten with the clips in the correct locations ensuring the pinion flange and drive shaft marks we made on disassembly are lined up.

(Axle Reinstallation Continued)

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