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FAST RPM Module Installation, continued:

In no time the flash process will complete and your unit is ready to start logging RPM.

To confirm the firmware was updated you can repower the unit and the initial screen should show v1.3 in the lower right corner.

Bring the FAST unit back to your vehicle and connect the RPM module. The module simply goes in-line between the FAST unit and the existing wideband cable.

Plug the wideband cable into the RPM module and the gray cable out of the RPM module into the FAST unit. The connectors are male/female so there is no way to get them connected backwards.

The kit comes with two ways to capture an RPM signal. The preferred method is to tap into a tach output on your ignition box or distributor.

Plug the 3.5mm jack side of the cable into the RPM module and the spade connector into your MSD box or similar tach output.

The other method is to use the supplied inductive clamp. This method is only recommended for temporary logging as the clamp can work its way loose. The signal from inductive clamps are more susceptible to interferene as well. Clamp to the coil wire or an injector wire.

Power up your vehicle and FAST unit. You'll see the RPM display at the bottom of the display. Use the calibrate button to cycle through until you see the unit register the correct rpm.

A new and useful feature in the firmware is to set a rpm trigger point for logging. When the engine hits the desired rpm, and if you have previously activated logging, the log recording will initiate. It will continue until you manually cease the logging.

FASTView Log Analysis Software
With the original FAST unit the only way to make use of the logged data was to play it back, in real speed, on screen. This was obviously very limiting, as you had no way to study the data and assess particular data points. With the release of FASTView the logfile can now be transferred to your PC for detailed analysis.

FASTView is a free download from the FAST website. Once installed, you can use the same USB/Serial cable and power adapter to connect the FAST unit to your PC and transfer log files from the unit to your PC for analysis.

The software has a dashboard style playback screen, or a plot screen where you can view point by point air-fuel ratios against rpm. Most gearheads will testify this is where the real tuning value is. Here you can overlay two logfiles and compare the effects of tuning changes, for instance. Another very handy feature is the Excel output file, should you want to perform even greater statistical analysis on your log files.


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Watch a FordMuscle video showing the FAST unit installed in our 1967 Mustang.

































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