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The two thru-holes to be drilled into the bellhousing are opposite the
cluth-fork opening. The adapter/spacer was fastened temporarily to the bellhousing with two included "socket flathead" screws. Next, the bellhousing was marked with a centerpunch and drilled.
Per the T5 adapter/spacer instructions, the upper right hole was meant to be a thru-hole for a single hex head bolt and nut. Instead, I had it countersunk for a fourth socket flathead screw. Here, Augie does the job with the right tools.

This is the bolt hole in the adapter/spacer that I opted to have enlarged and countersunk. It was originally a threaded hole to accept a hex head bolt from inside the bellhousing. The bellhousing would now require a nut to be welded to the inside to accept a socket flathead screw from the outside of the bellhousing.
The lower right bolt hole in the adapter was already countersunk.
However, instead of tapping the bellhousing as the instructions indicated, I would also weld a nut to the inside of the bellhosuing here to accept a socket flathead screw. This required me to pick up an additional 1-1/2" long 7/16"- 14 socket flathead screw.

The two fresh thru-holes I had drilled into the bellhousing are visible
here, look to the left of the righthand threaded inserts.
One of the Lakewood threaded inserts needed to be removed in order to weld a nut in place. I started with a carbide disc and Dremel.

I finished off the insert with a Grinder.
I gave the weld-area a good dose of scrubbing with a drill and wire
wheel. Pictured is one of the socket flathead screws and a galvanized Grade 8 nut to be welded to the bellhousing.

Galvanized steel doesn't weld very well so I removed the zinc coating
from each nut.
Here I am welding in the two nuts.

The welds weren't pretty but they were strong, just needed some red paint.
With the nuts welded in place, the adapter could be attached with the
4 socket flathead screws.

It was time to drop the T5 onto the bellhousing.
Included with the California Pony Car T5 Spacer Adapter Plate is hardware for mounting the transmission to the bellhousing.

Here's the bellhousing and T5 as one satisfied unit.

(Dropping in the Assembly, Shifter Fit, Next Steps)

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