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I attached the cannister to the "corona" gun
Attatched my air source

Here I am grounding the part to be sprayed. Attaching it to the safety
wire works fine.

Next, I connected the power source

Notice I am using the activator switch in my left hand. It must be
depressed to charge the powder particles to be "dusted" on. Unlike
painting you do not need to apply multiple coats. Just be sure the part
has 100% coverage. Another pleasant advantage of powder coating.
Once both parts were coated, I removed the ground wire and got ready for curing.

It's a good idea to have your oven up to temperature before placing
the part inside. However, these toaster ovens should not be unattended so I turned it on while I was preparing to transer the parts. Eastwood suggests 400 degrees.
I clipped the safety wire leaving enough to handle the part.

The oven I bought had two trays which was a nice feature. I brought
the tray to the work area to transfer the parts.
I place the parts in the oven and set the timer for 20 minutes.

While watching the parts bake I could see the paint flow and become
Here they are fresh out of the over. I let them cool for about 30

A small comparison of new versus old.
If the lack of airborne chemicals didn't make me realize the value of
powder coating this step right here was the clincher. I re-attached the
rubber gasket without the slightest worry that I'd be smudging paint that
had not yet dried.

Here I am bolting a finsihed tie down in place. Looks like I've got
some more items to powder coat.

Combine any niche DIY technique, like powder coating, with the internet
and you are bound to discover discussion boards filled with enthusiasts
who have taken the technique to its limits. While this FordMuscle article
is a great place to get started, if you would like to know more about
powder coating or need any questions answered once you begin powder
coating, we suggest you visit Eastwood Company's Powder Coating Forum.

The particular parts you intend to powder coat may pose a unique powder coating issue that can certainly be answered through the wide range of usages documented in a public forum. Here you will find small powder coating business owners and "high volume" enthusiasts who can help you achieve the results you desire. However, for most FordMuscler's, the steps outlined in this article will provide you with a finished result that is far better and more convenient than a rattle can.

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