Front Spring and Strut Installation (continued)
There are two methods
to replacing late-model Mustang front springs. One is
to disconnect the strut at the spindle and let the front
of the a-arm swing down, allowing the spring to be uncompressed
and pulled out. We've performed this method in the past
and while it results in quick spring removal, it makes
for a tough install because the new spring wants to
jump out as the a-arm is jacked back into place.
Welding a tab on the a-arm solves this problem, but
not many have access to a welder. (See
our article "How
to Lower your Mustang" in the Suspension section
of the Tech Department)
The other method, which we used for this article, is
to remove the two a-arm to k-member attaching bolts.
This allows the a-arm to drop down, still connected
to the spindle and strut. The spring drops out harmlessly.
It takes two jacks to get the new spring and a-arm back
into place, but the process is very manageable. We've
outlined it here for you.