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What ever Happened to Project 11.99?
Engine Compartment Detailing - Project 11.99

Before: The engine compartment in oru '67 Mustang suffered from 25 years of crud buildup, plus at least a half-dozen half-assed attempts at repainting it. Look closely at the firewall, the blobs of seam sealer from the factory did not help the appearance either.

Stripping: Getting all the ruberized paint off was a huge undertaking. Overall it took roughly 30 hours and required aerosol paint remover (methylene chloride), scrapers, and lots of drill operated wire cup brushes. Yes a mask was worn at all times. Every square inch was taken down to bare metal. Because the body was not being painted, care was taken to mask everything off properly. The fender bolts were removed and shims uses to lift the fenders slightly off the engine compartment, in order to sand about 1/8" under the fender to avoid a seam.

Prepping: Several coats of rust prohibitive primer were applied (spray can.) High spots were sanded.

Finished: A common mistake is to paint the compartment with gloss or semi-gloss. Gloss paints will not look correct, and they reflect light leaving and odd shadow/shine effect Satin black is the best color to reproduce the egg-shell paint of the 65-66 compartment. The 67 and up engine compartments used a different paint/coating which went on thick, similar to an undercoat. This is hard to find, and even harder to apply evenly. Satin black comes out looking smooth and applies very easily on a clean and primered surface.
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