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Short Block Assembly (continued)

Install the rod bearings, and moly the crank side of the bearings. Cut a couple 2" pieces of 5/16" hose and place them over the rod bolts, this will prevent scarring the bore or crank when installing the rod and piston.
While it may appear the rods are symmetrical on each side, they are not. The large end has two different bevel cuts. The larger radius (right) must face towards the outside of the crank journal, other wise the rod will bind against the journal.

Stagger the ring gaps, and load the piston into a suitable installer. Install the piston using the wood handle of a hammer to tap it down. Make sure the rings are not caught up on the edge of the bore, or that the rod bolts aren't hitting the crank.
Lube the rod bolt threads and nuts with moly, and torque to 25 lb.ft. for stock rod bolts, or 30 lb.ft. for ARP fasteners.

While the motor is still upside down, we install the oil pump and pickup. We used a rebuilt stock oil pump.
With all the pistons and rods installed, we turn the motor right-side up. We'll install the cam and timing chain next.
(Cam and Lifters)
Part I Short Block
Part II Induction
Part III Installation
Part IV Dyno Testing

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