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From: SF Bay Area, CA, USA
My Featured Rides
1. 1967 Mustang Mustang 390 4 speed coupe
This is my 3rd '67 Mustang. It's an S-code car with it's original 390, factory 4 speed & 9 inch rear, and no power robbing luxuries like AC or power steering. I'm currently driving her just as I got her, but a full restoration is planned... soon.


The Engine

The Interior

2. 1967 Mustang Deluxe Convertible
Regrets! This was my baby and I never should have sold her. My second Mustang (first was in high school): a 67 lime gold convertible with a 289, auto, black deluxe interior with all that pretty aluminum and console, exterior trim group, manual top. I sure miss cruising her around sunny CA with the top down.


The Engine

The Interior

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Last Updated: 12/08/12
Views: 1809
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