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Redneck Wiring Diorama (Wiring Diagram)
I hate wiring diagrams. No matter how simple they are, I'm forced to study them and constantly refer back and forth when doing an electrical
project. Let me introduce to you my patented method for communicating simple wiring setups. I've coined a term for the technique. It's called the "Redneck Wiring Diorama."

Here's the Redneck Wiring Diorama for creating a dedicated block of 12 Volt Key-On Sources. A single 12V Key-On Source triggers a Ford Starter Solenoid through a 16 Gauge Wire (this shouldn't be confused with how a regular starter solenoid activates a starter with the key in the full forward position). When triggered the Ford Starter Solenoid allows 12 Volts directly from the Battery to pass through a 12 Gauge Wire, then through a 30 AMP Fuse, and on to a Terminal Block.

Mounting Locations
The arrangement above can be mounted any way you like. I chose to conceal the setup the best I could. See below.

Here, I removed the battery and mounted the starter solenoid in the front passenger-side fender.
I popped a hole in the passenger side of the firewall and added a grommet.

The inline fuse holder (yellow) and 30 amp fuse was installed in the power wire (the green wire in this setup) to prevent overloading the terminal block.
The terminal block was mounted to the passenger-side firewall.


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Contact Information
If you have an questions or comments about this article please feel free to contact Jon Mikelonis by email at jon@fordmuscle.com


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