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Installing the Mallory Ignition E-Spark Conversion Kit
The beauty of points-to-electronic ignition conversion kits is the added benefit in relation to cost. For just $59.95 this Mallory E-Spark is a vast improvement over a stock points-style ignition.

Simply remove the distributor cap and toss the points and condenser.
Align the lower plate, the one with just one countersunk hole.

Install one large head and one small head flathead (8-32 x 1/4) screw loosely through the plate and into the base plate. Once both are in place tighten the larger screw down firmly and remove the small flathead screw.

Align the top plate directly on top of the lower plate.

Tighten it firmly using two flathead screws (8-32 x 1/4)
Apply the included dielectric grease to the underside of the spark module.

Be sure you cover the entire base on the module with the grease.
Tighten down the module to the top plate using the two included screws (6-32 x 3/16)

Install the grommet with the flat portion to the outside and facing upward.
Thread the three wires from the spark module through the grommet.

Attach the included plug.
Install the rotor/shutter assembly. Be sure in indexes on the shaft properly.

Now it's ready to drop into the motor.
When initially removing the distributor, we noted the rotor was pointing at the plug wire of cylinder four. The now improved Motorcraft was reinstalled in the same position.

Next, the second part of the spark module wiring harness was attached.
With the new Mallory Canister Coil (29216) already installed, the green wire was connected to the negative side of the coil, the red wire to the positive side, and the brown wire went to ground.

The cap was installed.
We fired up the 460 fired up and set the initial advance to 12 BTDC.


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Ford Trivia Contest!
Can you identify from what Ford Motor Company model the tail light lens in caption number 7 is from? We don't need a year, just the model. You'll need to click on the picture and view the enlarged image to see the lens and you can only answer once.

The first two subscribers to respond correctly will get a free FordMuscle T-Shirt and decals. Good Luck.

Sorry, Contest Completed
August 27: Congrats to our two winners who responded correctly with "Mercury Meteor". We'll have another contest in the next issue.














































Contact Information
If you have an questions or comments about this article please feel free to contact Jon Mikelonis by email at jon@fordmuscle.com

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