Once we had the carb bolted on, distributor installed and
static timed, we were ready to break in our cam and bring
our 460 to life. The variables were many since this was effectively
a transplant and our host vehicle was last operated in 1981.
All auxiliary systems and components had been replaced. After
a long visual check we turned the key.
As the video shows our radiator let go at the 8 minute mark.
Separating at the core and tank on the upper return side of
the radiator suggested a sticky thermostat or airlock condition.
A rebuilt engine full of air and a closed thermostat without
a relief hole can prevent water from ever reaching the thermostat.
After letting the engine cool we removed the thermostat and
drilled a small hole to allow air to pass. It took a couple
working days until we receive a new 3-core radiator. Once
reinstalled we fired the motor again and put another 15 minutes
on the motor at 2000 RPMs. The 460 idled down nicely and we
proceeded to load up our project car for a trip to the exhaust
Wiped Lobe
Once back from the exhaust shop we began to notice a small
backfire through the carb that we simply thought was related
to our cheap ignition. Gradually, the condition worsened.
We checked our plugs and found that hole number 2 was fouling.
We pulled the valve covers for a quick visual of the valvetrain
make sure we didn't have a broken spring or poorly adjusted
rocker. We noticed that the intake rocker on the number two
cylinder was a bit loose so we went ahead and readjusted it
not thinking that we may have wiped a lobe.
After adjustment, the position of the polylock began to signal
trouble. The set screw was showing three threads above the
barrel while the remaining 15 polylocks had 1-1/2 to 2 threads
above the barrel (enlarge the third image to the left for
detail). This could have meant one of two things, either we
had a
collapsed lifter or a wiped lobe. We were forced to pull the
intake to inspect the lifter galley. Sure enough we couldn't
pull the lifter in question from its' bore confirming we had
a disintegrating lifter and probably a wiped lobe. We pulled
the remaining 15 lifters and secured the bad lifter with fishing
line in order to pull and replace the cam. Once the wasted
cam was removed we dropped the bad lifter down through it's
bore while keeping a hand on the attached fishing line.