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Computer Tested Alternator Results

Every PA Performance alternator is tested using an industry standard test sequence. The test measures a variety of outputs, including maximum power output, regulator set points, and amperage. Of the various data on the test sheet what is important to us is the output current as this is what is going to determine how quick our battery is charged up and also how well the electrical accessories are going to get the power they demand. The graph below, and the table to the right, illustrate the effectiveness of the 3G alternator from PA Performance as compared to a stock 2G alternator such as the ones found on Fox-body Mustangs. At idle (engine speed of approx 750 rpm) we see that on a test bench the 3G alternator generates over twice as much amperage than the stock second generation alternator.

Garage Tested Results
It's one thing to be presented with results from a specialized test instrument, such as the data shown above. However at FordMuscle we are interested in what this means in a real life situation. So we conducted our own tests using some standard tools and measuring devices. Using a clamp meter and digital volt meter we first measured the output of our stock Mustang 5.0L 2G alternator, as found on a 1993 Mustang. Then we installed the 3G alternator and conducted the same test. Both tests were performed from idle to 3000 rpm (the typical point at which an alternator produces maximum output.) The major current drawing accessories (electric fan, AC, head lights, stereo) were turned on to place maximum load on the alternator. The videos below show the results.

Stock 2G Alternator Test
Application: 1993 Mustang 5.0L
Current at idle (800rpm): 30 amps
Voltage at idle: 11.78V
Max Current (3000rpm): 80 amp

Watch a 3MB Video of the 2G test. (Right click and save movie. Then open it to view.)

3G Alternator Test
Application: 1993 Mustang 5.0L
Current at idle (800rpm): 75 amps
Voltage at idle: 13.77V
Max Current (3000rpm): 149 amps

Watch a 3MB Video of the 3G test. (Right click and save movie. Then open it to view.)












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