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That's right, a 460. Not just any 460, but Ford Racing Performance Parts, 535 HP crate engine. This bad boy is going to be stuffed between the shock towers of the '69 Mach 1, and backed with the same C6 and Emerald stall converted that were behind the 428. (The transmission case will have to be changed in order to bolt up to the 460 block.)

The $6000 price tag is hard to swallow (right Victor?), but realistically it is worth every penny, consdering the engine is professionally built, assembled, dyno tested and broken in from Ford Racing. The 10.5:1 460 cranks out 535 horsepower at 6250 RPM and 530 ft./lbs. of torque at 4750 RPM. The assembly includes the Victor intake, Cobra Jet heads (2.20"/1.76" valves), and hydraulic flat-tappet cam (.588" intake and .614" exhaust. Duration at .050" is 244 degrees intake and 254 degrees exhaust. ) Also included are the waterpump, distributor, flywheel, harmonic balancer, and Fox-body oil pan (which will need to replaced for one that fits the early Mustang.)

The goal.... 10's. This engine certainly has the power to run 10's out of the crate, the question is how deep in the 10's will it take the 3400 lb. Mach 1? Stay tuned, as we anxiously work towards getting the new project underway!

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