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Electric Water Pump - FordMuscle.com
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Installing the EWP
1. Installation begins with draining the cooling system. The pump needs to be installed in the lower radiator hose.

Because the pump is a universal fit, it can be installed into virtually any vehicle. For some vehicles installation will require nothing more than cutting out a 4" section from the lower hose and clamping the pump in between. On other cars, such as our 1967 Mustang, there is not a whole lot of room between the radiator and water pump, so the pump had to be set off to the side, using two hoses.
2. If your hose is long enough, you can simply cut out a 4" section and splice the pump in between. Otherwise, if space is tight, you'll need to use two hoses in order to position the pump in a location clear of obstructions.

On 5.0 Mustangs, installation is much easier due to the longer lower radiator hose!
3. The pump is shaped like a turbo charger, having an inlet and an outlet. The inlet (where the hand is in this photo) connects to the radiator, and the outlet connects to the stock water pump. Included in the kit are a straight hose extension, and a 90-degree extension. By playing around with the "clocking" of these two pieces on the inlet and outlet sides, you can get the inlet and outlet angles to best match your application. 4. Also included with the pump are these rubber hose adapters, use the ones which match the diameter of your radiator hose.

5. On the back of the pump is a rubber drain boot. This should point downward to allow gravity to drain any condensation buildup in the motor. However if the pump fits best in your vehicle with this facing up or sideways, simply fill it with silicone to prevent water entering the motor.

6. We had to play around with the positioning of the pump a few times before we found a ideal location. We ended up putting the pump next to the radiator, sort of resting on the lower frame member. Note the twist in the stock hose. We'll replace this with a flex hose. 7. Flex hoses are great for this installation because they allow you a wide range of movement, whereas the stock molded hoses will twist and constrict flow. We bought a flexible radiator hose in the correct diameter (1.75") for our radiator. Use some silicone spray for easy installation. 8. We ended up trimming the stock radiator hose and using it to connect the pump inlet to the radiator. The flex hose was used to connect the outlet to the stock waterpump.

9. The nice thing about the EWP is it's feather-light weight (less than 2 lbs.) Thus there is no need to come up with solid mounting brackets. In fact the hoses will support it in place just fine, but for added security you can use the supplied tabs to attach a bracket or screws. We simply used large zip-ties to hold it against the radiator mount. 10. When it comes to operating the pump, you have several options.

a. Manually Activated
The easiest option is to activate the pump using a dash mount toggle switch. This is an ideal option for drag racers who want to free up power by remove their accessory belt at the track, but at the same time need to keep coolant circulating to prevent overheating.
This option, in conjunction with an electric fan, allows the drag racer to quickly cool the engine between rounds.
This option is also good if you simply want to turn the pump on manually to assist the stock pump when the temperature gets too hot.

When using the pump in this way, you should drill a 1/8" hole in the thermostat to allow some coolant to flow when the thermostat is closed.

b. Using the EWP Controller (sold separately), you can have your cooling system fully electronically controlled. The Controller uses a coolant temperature sensor and adjustable control module to regulate the engine temperature; a microprocessor controls engine temperature by varying the voltage to the pump to alter flow rate. You set the temperature you want the engine to operate at for maximum power or fuel efficiency. Using the EWP Controller requires complete removal of your thermostat and disabling your stock waterpump.

. Thermostatic Switch
Another option is to use the pump to assist your stock water pump. Using either a thermostatic switch mounted in the radiator fins (similar to ones found on electric fans), the electric pump comes on automatically to assist the stock pump when temperatures reach a set level.
Using EWP Controller requires disabling the stock waterpump. The easiest way is to simply by-pass the water pump pulley with a short belt, or remove the pulley altogether. Of course this can only be done if you have an electric fan. If you need to retain the pulley to drive the stock fan, you can disable the pump by removing the impeller. Drill out the rivets as shown in the picture.

d. Constant Operation
Of course there is the option to wire the pump so that it runs continuously while the engine is on. This should only be considered if you have severe cooling problems, as it accelerates wear on the pump motor. You'll also need to remove the thermostat and disable the stock pump.

e. Turbo Timer
If you have a turbocharged motor, you can use a turbo timer to activate the pump and circulate coolant through the turbos when the engine is shutoff, in order to prevent oil cooking on the hot bearings.
Installing the EWP Controller
11. Installing the EWP Controller is straight forward. The adjustable controller must be mounted in the cabin.
The sensor and wires are fed through the firewall.
12. The thermostat will be removed, as the temperature regulation is completely controlled by the EWP module. 13. The sensor is wrapped in this thick copper wire (included) to keep it secures in the manifold or block. 14. The sensor is fed down through the thermostat housing, into the manifold or block, leaving an inch or two of the copper wire sticking out.
15. The sensor and copper wires are folded over the thermostat housing, and the upper radiator hose is clamped secure. 16. Wiring the EWP and Controller is made easy with provided harnesses, connectors, and relays.
The blue/black harness from the EWP connects to the blue/black leads from the Controller.

17. We mounted relay on the fender wall. The red lead connects to the Controller. The green wire goes to a 12V ignition source; yellow to battery 12V, and black to ground.

18. We used split-loom to cover the wires for protection and a clean look.

Running the vehicle
If you are using the EWP Controller, the engine will take slightly longer to warm-up since there is no thermostat. Keep an eye on the temperature gauge during the initial operation of the pump to ensure the Controller is functioning properly. Adjust the screw on the control box to dial in the optimum operating temperature. A slightly cooler temperature (160-170°F) will make more power, while a warmer operating temp (180-190°F) will result in maximum fuel economy and emissions.

Contact Information:

Davies, Craig
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Aurora, Illinois 60504 - 8106
(877) 964 6305
Fax: (630) 851 7744

Email: ili@importlogistics.com

19. With the wires connected and tucked under the dash, the Controller can be secured in to place. 20. Fill the radiator with coolant. For the EWP to run at optimum efficiency, any air trapped in the system needs to be removed.. To bleed the pump, simply remove the radiator cap and temporaily disconnect the blue/black harness from the pump. Connect a length of wire from the blue lead to the battery (+) and another wire from the black lead to battery (-). This will activate the pump and circulate coolant, bringing any air bubbles to the top of the radiator. Fill the radiator as neccesary.
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