Unless you've kept your late model in the garage all its life, chances
are your plastic headlight housings are as faded and ugly as these.
Not only do they look like crap, they substantially reduce the amount
of light projected by the bulbs. Eventually you find yourself using
the high-beams just to get through the neighborhood at night.
2. It's almost hard to believe how much clearer a set of new housings
really is. We thought that it was just the headlight that had faded,
so that's all we purchased (reproductions from Mustangs Unlimited
for under $40 a side. OEM is about $20 more.) But after seeing the
new piece, it was clear that the parking lamp and inner turn signal
housings were also in bad shape, so we'll order those up as well. |
3. Installation is easy, taking all of 10 minutes per side. Begin
by disconnecting the bulb from the housing, then remove the three
bronze colored retaining nuts. |
The headlight housing pulls right out with a little persuasion.
Be careful not to tear the rubber seal, as it will be reused. |
5. Remove the rubber seal carefully. It is held to the housing with
four clips. |
Using a screw driver, gently pry off the three retaining clips which
hold the adjusting plate to the housing. Do not attempt to remove
the adjustment screws unless you want to reset the projection angle!
Transfer the adjusting plate to the new housing. Reattach the clips
and seal. |
Bolt the new housing back into place and admire. The new housings
take at least five years off the appearance of the car, and really
brighten up night driving.
The inner and outer housings are just as easy to do. Most Mustang
mail order houses offer a reasonably priced ($180-$200 for reproduction)
package deal which includes all three housings per side, as well
as new seals. F/M